Presentation Jitters
What makes you come alive?
It’s fulfilling to find a job that invokes change in the world, but that job can be less effective when you’re not passionate about it. I was reading exerts from Gil Bailie’s book, Violence Unveiled: Humanity at the Crossroads in it Bailie quotes civil rights activist, philosopher, theologian, and educator Howard Thruman. Bailie asked Thurman how to create change in the world, and his response was, “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive,” (Bailie 117). The world will always be in need of change and alterations. It’s not up to you to fit the world’s needs rather, figure out what makes your fire burn, what makes you passionate, invest in your strengths and build your career around it. That is a way to make effective change in the world. I expanded more on this topic in my essay. Today consisted of a lot of editing, reading, writing, and running through my presentation. The writing process is seemingly never ending!!
Today's Hours: 5 hours
Project Total Hours: 44 Hours
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