The Art of Purpose; Does Pure Intent Exist
May 9th
I began the day with coffee on the patio and my laptop to write, which was short-lived.
The black flies are horrendous! So I relocated to the island where I sprawled out all my notebooks, books, and writing utensils and began the writing process. Today I explored the idea of purpose while listening to Studs Terkel's archived interview with Marlon Brando. I think the art of doing things simply to do things has been lost, which lead me to the writing about motive. Is there such a thing as pure motive? All this I complied into my essay! I also added some touches to my website. I spent a good four hours of researching and emailing and two hours of working on the website and the outline.
Daily Hours: 6 Hours
Project Total Hours: 11.5 Hours
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