PRESENTATION Final Paragraphs
May 17th
I had my whole layout for my presentation and then decided to scratch it.
I want to keep my presentation to five minutes max and with how the layout of my presentation was I wouldn't be able to fit it in. So, I decided to scratch one of the stories. I think the statistics are important and make people introspect a little, which is crucial. It's heartbreaking that 61% of 30-49-year-olds feel unfulfilled in their careers, which take up 1/3 of our lives! It's crazy and baffling. Anyways, I decided to keep it to one story, and open up with "the big question" what do you want to be when you grow up. Then I will move into the stats, then share what sparked my inspiration for my academic concentration. I will then share Mehrnaz's story. I will finish out by advertising my website and a conclusion. I practiced the presentation over and over again my family wanted to kick me out of the house:)! Presentation day is tomorrow!!
Today's Hours: 5 hours
Total: 49 Hours
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